« 11.16.11 | Main | 07.20.10 »



How adorable is she?  By the way, my blog has been neglected of late as I've been working on my sweet new website, which is now LIVE!  I'm so tickled! amygloverphotography.com )



Reader Comments (4)

I love the pictures of little Pearl! Especially I like the way the sun hits her hair and how you captured her beautiful eyes and cute personality. Congratulations on the new website, I love it!!!!

11.10.2010 | Unregistered CommenterLinda

Reminds me of Amelia. What a cutie!!

11.12.2010 | Unregistered CommenterGenevieve

Beautiful pictures of Pearl! Your new website is beautiful too. Love your photography. Congrats on getting the website launched

11.12.2010 | Unregistered CommenterAdela

oh, aim, thank you for the kind blog words. :) i LOVE the new website and the new images i hadn't seen! so wistful and playful and melancholy-delightful-yet-full-of-sunshine all at once... beautiful work.

11.13.2010 | Unregistered Commenterangela sackett

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