Mercedes & Lydia 11.28.2009
Indulge me a moment, dear readers. One thing that delights me about being a wedding photographer is the opportunity to document all the little stories happening throughout the day. And I just love kids at weddings! It is a perfect set up for the hilarious! Well, anyway, during Susannah and Ivan's wedding reception, I mosied on to the back of the church where some of the kids played along side a dirt field. Mercedes and Lydia were heavy in discussion and since I enjoy a little eavesdropping on occasion too (teehee) I pretended to be hangin' out with no interest at all in their affairs. From left to right, here is what went down.
Mercedes (in white) to Lydia, "Come over here, we're going to play house". Moments later, Lydia seems slightly anxious that she hasn't seen her mom for a little while. So she says, "I'm going to go find my mommy now". "No," quibs Mercedes, "We are having fun! Stay here, see, this is FUN!" Lydia is not convinced and starts in with "I want my mommy." Mercedes, negotiating now, tells her that their mommies are busy and they need to stay and play house. Of course, Mercedes is being very sweet and matter of fact but she is not about to loose her playmate, so she goes on to tell her how they are going to set up house. Lydia listens for a few minutes, contemplates her options and declares, "I want my mommy," quite firmly. Unswayed, Mercedes decides a hug is in order, "No, you don't!". "Yes! I want my MOMMY!" Here's where I clicked the last photo before stepping in to help out, but not before Lydia's, "I WANT MY MOOOOOOMMY!"
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