Entries from February 1, 2010 - February 28, 2010


Head Locked                            03.11.2010


My twins have been happily squished together since they rolled in my womb! I could catalogue every year with images just like these. It starts with a hug, then a giggle and transitions quickly into a full out headlock. Pretty soon, they are rolling around in the dirt. When they were three, they didn't get their smiley face stamps at ballet class because the teacher had told all the little girls to sit in a straight line on the floor. Only, silly her, she didn't separate my two. So, before she could say "tendu", my pas de deus was tumbling (wrestling) out into the center of the room! Lesson learned, but no little stamp will ever unravel these smiley faces. 


A Cup of Tea                            02.10.2010


My first job as a teen was as a horse groomer.  I desperately pined for horseback lessons and then I met a british woman who ran a farm on the outskirts of our town, in southern Portugal.  An accomplished equestrian rider, she taught me not only to ride but to jump! I, in turn, swept out stalls, brushed down the horses (except for the crazy white stallion) and generally fell in love with everything horse, right down to their smell. One thing I could always count on was a delicious cup of tea before lessons. That was when I became smitten with a good tea, with cream and sugar, thank you. No day is complete without it. Now, if I could only bottle the scent of a horse!


Ayisha                                 02.04.2010


My dear daughter's personality is written all over face and outfit.  Oh, she loves a skirt, colorful pretties, and leggings to boot! Clearly though, nothing dazzles like Ayisha's smile. Irresistible!