Entries from December 1, 2009 - December 31, 2009


Susannah & Ivan's Wedding (Part I)     12.02.2009


You may want to grab a cup of coffee and kick back! I couldn't help making this an unusually long post. If you were not there for this memorable day, my hope is that you will feel that you were. And if there, that you would relive and savor it again and again. What a privilege it was to tell Susannah and Ivan's story.

All the lovely flowers (except for bride's bouquet) were arranged by our mutual dear friend, Emily.



See the happy bee? :)

Ivan and Susannah opted to see each other before the ceremony. It was emotional and beautiful. I remained at a distance, documenting their lovely moment, then tiptoed away....

I grabbed the image on the left just in time. As Susi gathered family for posed shots, Ivan walked over to Mercedes who was busily looking over the fence. When Ivan asked her what she was doing, she chirped, "Looking for ladybugs". Apparently, he had joined her hunt when I turned around and "CLICK".

Right around the corner from the historic church where the wedding was held, was a barn, rolls of hay and a corn field! I felt like a kid in a candy shop! Steve and I, Ivan and Susannah drove around chasing the sun as it slipped away. It was a wonder-full afternoon. 

That evening, a very special six course dinner was served at the Black Cat in Boulder. It was, by far, one of the best meals I've ever had (and I LOVE good food). The evening was intimate, fun and basically perfect.